Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Growing (Food and Knowledge)

Today’s documentary is: The Beautiful Truth.

It is a young boy’s journey to discover the truth about the relationship between cancer and a whole-foods diet. It talks a lot about the Gerson Therapy, by Dr. Gerson. His daughter Charlotte Gerson carries on his work along with her son. They show the boy, Garrett, all their findings, even taking him to meet many of her patients.

If you are sensitive about cancer and have heard of the Gerson Diet, this is something very interesting to watch. Dr. Gerson fought against tobacco use back in the 1920’s. He was ridiculed by other doctors for saying that tobacco was bad. They scorned him for suggesting that if doctors would simply wash their hands between delivering babies, this would greatly reduce the mothers’ chances for infection. He was apparently way ahead of his time!

An interesting fact that turned up was regarding MSG, or mono-sodium glutamate. MSG actually turns off your “full” switch in your brain and causes you to keep eating because you don’t feel full. (I’ll talk more about MSG later ...)

The show is about an hour and a half but has some interesting facts. You may be surprised to find that doctors, the FDA, large pesticide manufacturers and even a large seed manufacturing company refused to talk to the boy and his father who were filming this. It really makes me wonder - and even feel a bit paranoid about some of these companies - are we really being lied to on such a large scale?

Well, decide for yourself, but I tend to think that there is a lot of corruption when it comes to money and power. Unfortunately it involves our health.

I am definitely growing a garden this year. I bought a can of non-hybrid (heirloom) seeds. We already had one in the basement plus a few other seeds. Purchasing heirloom seeds is good if you want to be able to keep the seeds from those plants to grow more plants next year. Hybrids are good when you don’t want seeds in your fruit, but you can’t grow producing plants from what seeds are in them. They are “sterile.”

I found a great recipe for whole wheat bread today. It doesn’t need to be kneaded, so it is perfect for me. I am not good at keeping up with all the rising and punching down of bread dough. You can find it on my recipe blog: chefmamanise.blogspot.com

It turned out really good! I was so afraid it would be a flop so I’m excited that it turned out! I used half whole wheat flour and half all-purpose flour because we aren’t used to whole wheat yet.

I have been slacking for a week now on my exercise and I’m afraid it is taking a toll: I’ve gained a couple pounds. We were traveling as well, so that made it worse. But the good thing is that I stayed with my diet and so it was only a couple pounds rather than a bunch.

Keep working hard at your diet!
Cheers and hugs!



  1. Love it! I am going to watch that documentary and try making that bread! I tried making some yesterday but it didn't turn out so well.

    1. It was a different recipe, for white bread not wheat.

    2. This recipe is so simple and doesn't take as long as most other bread recipes. But it is still good. Lee tried it with some coconut oil spread on the top and heated for a few seconds in the microwave - so good!
